γραφίστας χαλκίδα γραφίστας χαλκίδα γραφίστας χαλκίδα γραφίστας χαλκίδα λογότυπο ζαχαροπλαστείου


Naming – Logo Design

© Knowledge Game Design Studio, NIKOLAOS ZISIS


Naming proposal and logo design for a patisserie in the center of Athens. The concept was based on the composition of an absolute orthonormal trademark that divided into four identical parts. The conception of this idea was born taking as reference the standard way of preparing sweets. At the end choosing from a pallet with strong color contrasts, boosted the visual communication of the trademark and on the other helped for its legibility. 

Graphic Design, logo design, γραφιστική, Σχεδιασμός Λογοτύπου